Research: Conference Presentations

Conference Presentations


  • Crano, W. D. & Ruybal, A. L. (2019, July). Social psychological contributions to the mitigation of adolescent depression. Talk presented at the 21st Sydney Symposium of Social Psychology, Visegrad, Hungary.

  • J. T. Siegel (Chair). (2019, May). Attribution-based approaches for reducing the stigmatization of people with depression. Symposium conducted at the Association for Psychological Science Annual Conference, Washington, D. C.

    • Muschetto, T., & Siegel, J. T. Use of attribution vignettes and public service announcements to influence perceived stability of depression.

    • Tang, J. C., Siegel, J. T., & Muschetto, T. Does changing social support outcome expectations influence willingness to provide help to people with depression?: An attribution-based approach.

    • Yao, X. & Siegel, J. T. Attribution theory, depression, and willingness to provide social support in China.

  • J. T. Siegel (Chair). (2019, May). Increasing help-seeking among people with depressive symptomatology through self-distancing and positive emotions. Symposium conducted at the Association for Psychological Science Annual Conference, Washington, D. C.

  • J. T. Siegel (Chair). (2019, April). Social-psychological approaches for reducing stigmatization and increasing the provision of help to people with depression. Symposium conducted at the Western Psychological Association Annual Convention, Pasadena, CA. 

    • Muschetto, T., & Siegel, J. T. Use of attribution vignettes and public service announcements to influence perceived stability of depression.

    • Tang, J. C., Siegel, J. T., & Muschetto, T. Does changing social support outcome expectations influence willingness to provide help to people with depression?: An attribution-based approach.

    • Yao, X. & Siegel, J. T. Attribution theory, depression, and willingness to provide social support in China.

    • Marshburn, A. & Siegel, J. T. Increasing social support provision to close others experiencing depression: An application of vested interest theory.

  • J. Crane (Chair). (2019, April). Increasing help-seeking among people with depressive symptomatology: Social psychological approaches. Symposium conducted at the Western Psychological Association Annual Convention, Pasadena, CA. 

    • Hollar, S. M. & Siegel, J. T. Self-distancing as a path to help-seeking for people with depression.

    • Straszewski, T., & Siegel, J. T. The effects of high- versus low-arousal positive emotions on help-seeking intentions among people with depression.

    • Siegel, J. T. & Straszewski, T. The influence of elevation on help-seeking intentions and PSA effectiveness among people with depression.

    • Tan, C. N. & Siegel, J. T. Increasing help-seeking through positive accessibility: A targeted intervention based on attitude strength diagnostic.

    • Webb, R. & Siegel, J. T. Depressive symptomatology and the self-stigma of seeking psychological help.

  • Siegel, J. T., Straszewski, T., & Thomson, A. (2019, January). Positive emotion infusions: Increasing help-seeking among people with depression. Talk presented at the Western Positive Psychological Association Annual Conference, Claremont, CA.


  • Ruybal, A. L& Crano, W. D. (2018, October). Parental influences on adolescent depressive symptoms and marijuana usage. Talk, Ninth European Society for Prevention Research Conference and Member’s Meeting, Lisbon, Portugal.

  • Siegel, J. T., Lienemann, B. A., Tan, C. N., Straszewski, T., & Thomson, A. (2018, April). A prerequisite to human flourishing: Increasing help-seeking among people with depression. Symposium, Western Psychological Association Annual Convention, Portland, Oregon.


  • J. T. Siegel (Chair). (2017, July). Positive emotions and health behavior: Organ donation, depression, and drug use. Symposium conducted at the World Congress on Positive Psychology, Montreal, Canada. 

    • Parnitvithikul, T. An attribution-based approach to increase sympathy and offers of help to individuals with depression.

  • J. T. Siegel (Chair). (2017, May). Approaches for, and a warning about, reducing the stigmatization of people with depression through anti-stigma campaigns: Social-psychological approaches. Symposium conducted at the Association for Psychological Science Annual Convention, Boston, Massachusetts.

    • Parnitvithikul, T. & Siegel, J. T. Attribution theory and the provision of help to individuals with depression: Is a key variable being overlooked?

    • Ruybal, A. L., & Siegel, J. T. An attribution-based approach: Can highlighting the temporary nature of postpartum depression increase social support?

    • Silva, T. & Siegel, J. T. Using overheard communication to increase the provision of help to those suffering from depression.

    • Siegel, J. T., Flores-Medel, E., Martinez, D., & Berger, D. The potential harm of anti-stigma messages: People with depression will see these ads too.

  • J. T. Siegel (Chair). (2017, May). Social-psychological approaches for increasing help-seeking among people with depressive symptomatology. Symposium conducted at the Association for Psychological Science Annual Convention, Boston, Massachusetts.

    • Lienemann, B. A., & Siegel, J. T. Using persuasive messages to influence help-seeking intentions among people with depressive symptomatology: An examination of functional matching and message sidedness.

    • Webb, R. & Siegel, J. T. The use of narratives to encourage help-seeking for depression.

    • Tan, C. N. & Siegel, J. T. A retrospective foot in the door:  A new approach for influencing people with depression to seek help.

    • Straszewski, T. & Siegel, J. T. Not a cure but a catalyst: Using savoring to increase help-seeking intentions for individuals with elevated depressive symptomatology.

  • J. T. Siegel (Chair). (2017, April). Increasing the receipt of assistance among people with depression: Theory-based approaches. Symposium conducted at the Western Psychological Association Annual Convention, Sacramento, California.

    • Siegel, J. T. Resistance, reactance, and misinterpretation: Highlighting the challenge of persuading people with depression to seek help.

    • Straszewski, T. Increasing help-seeking among people with heightened depressive symptomatology through the induction: Savoring, coping, avoiding, and obtaining.

    • Webb, R. Getting lost in the story: Narrative transportation as a means of increasing help-seeking among people with weighted depressive symptomatology.

    • Parnitvithikul, T. Increasing the provision of help to people with depression: The hazards and non-hazards of promoting the biogenetic explanation of depression.




  • Keeler, A. R. & Siegel, J. T. (2014, May). Depression, help seeking, and perceived family functioning among Hispanics and non-Hispanic whites. Poster presented at the meeting of the Association for Psychological Science annual conference, San Francisco, CA.

  • Siegel, J. T., Lienemann, B. A., & Tan, C. (2014, May). Influencing help seeking among people with elevated depressive symptomatology: Mistargeting as a persuasive technique. Poster session presented at the International Communication Association Conference, Seattle, WA.

  • J. T. Siegel (Chair). (2014, April). Increasing the provision of assistance to people with depression: Social psychological approaches. Symposium conducted at the Western Psychological Association annual conference, Portland, OR.

  • Lienemann, B.A., & Siegel, J.T. (2014, February). State psychological reactance to depression public service announcements among people with varying levels of depressive symptomatology. Poster session presented at the meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Austin, TX.


  • Keeler, A. R. & Siegel, J. T. (2013, November). Depression, help seeking, and perceived family functioning among Hispanics and non-Hispanic Whites. Poster presented at the meeting of the American Public Health Association Annual Convention, Boston, MA.



  • Keeler, A. R. & Crano, W. D. (2011, April). Help seeking from a biopsycosocial perspective: The role of social stigma, perceived mental distress, and overall ratings of health. Paper presented at the meeting of the Western Psychological Association, Los Angeles, CA.

  • Keeler, A. R (2011, April). Theoretical exploration of message framing in mental health help seeking. Poster presented at the meeting of the Western Psychological Association, Los Angeles, CA


  • Keeler, A. R., Gonzalez, A. V., Siegel, J. T., & Alvaro, E. (2010, April). The relationship between negative self-bias on help seeking in depressed Hispanic populations. Symposium for the meeting of the Western Psychological Association, Cancun, Mexico.

  • Lienemann, B.A., Siegel, J. T., & Crano, W.D. (2010, April). Persuading the depressed. In J. T. Siegel (Chair) Increasing social support for depressed individuals: Cross-cultural challenges and solutions. Symposium conducted at the meeting of the Western Psychological Association, Cancun, Mexico.