Department of Defense
Increasing help-seeking among active military service members
This project aims to develop and evaluate an efficient and comprehensive help-seeking intervention (Be A Depression Lifeline) targeted to early career military service members. The development of the intervention is guided by empirical research—such as mistargeted communication, self-distancing, and positive emotion infusion. The goal of the project is to increase help-seeking among early-career military members with depression, to reduce self-stigma and public stigma, and to increase the willingness of fellow service members to provide social support.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
Survey and research methods consulting
The goals of the Survey Design Research Lab are to consult on surveys, research approaches for measuring various constructs, and produce best practice reports on a myriad of survey methods. Currently, the Survey Design Research Lab is compiling a best-practice report on survey response sets. The report aims to compile empirical research on different response sets such as double-barreled items, grids and metrics, check-all-that-apply questions, and slang words within surveys.
If you would like a copy of the best practice report, please contact Jason Siegel.
HCA Healthcare
Improving resident wellness and increasing help-seeking
The Handbook of Mental Health Communication
Considerations for optimising and safeguarding mental health messaging
The Handbook of Mental Health Communication provides timely and authoritative coverage of the impact of message-based mental health promotion. Edited by Drs. Marco Yzer and Jason T. Siegel, the handbook contains 33 chapters, synthesizing scholarship from multiple domains including public health, psychopathology, and mass communication. The Handbook underscores that understanding communication effects on mental health outcomes begins with recognizing how people experiencing mental illness process relevant information about their own mental health.